Visual Studio includes an Android SDK Manager that replaces Google'sstandalone Android SDK Manager. This article explains how to use the SDKManager to download Android SDK tools, platforms, and other componentsthat you need for developing Xamarin.Android apps.
Download Android Sdk For Xamarin Forms
By default, the Android SDK Manager downloads platform components andtools from a Microsoft-managed repository. If you need access toexperimental alpha/beta platforms and tools that are not yet availablein the Microsoft repository, you can switch the SDK Manager to useGoogle's repository. To make this switch, click the gear icon in thelower right-hand corner and select Repository > Google(Unsupported):
Xamarin.Android SDK (d16-7/025fde9)Xamarin.Android Reference Assemblies and MSBuild support. Mono: 83105ba Java.Interop: xamarin/java.interop/d16-7@1f3388a ProGuard: Guardsquare/proguard/proguard6.2.2@ebe9000 SQLite: xamarin/sqlite/3.32.1@1a3276b Xamarin.Android Tools: xamarin/xamarin-android-tools/d16-7@017078f
I am moving towards Xamarin for cross-platform application development. I already had VS2015 installed, I downloaded Xamarin tools(vstoolsforxamarin.exe) from their website and when I install them after a long wait VS says "setup completed with errors"and it does not download and install Android SDK for API 19,20,23, It always say:"Please check your internet connection and try again" and i am sure that my internet connection doesn't get disturbed during all this process. I have tried this 3 times now, tried by uninstalling VS2015, installing it again but got the same error. What is the problem that is causing this? I already have Android Studio installed, with its SDK manager. Any help would be appreciated, that to get Xamarin running in VS2015.
And once again, been there.. ? Follow me son..This is actually a bug in the Configuration, where as it is documented in the Xamarin Knowledge base as well, -why-does-my-xamarin-forms-maps-android-project-fail-with-compiletodalvik-unexpected-top-level-error-
Like other app platforms, you can easily add custom telemetry for your android app as well. For an example if you want to add a custom event when the app starts, you can just write following set of code in side the app.cs file 2ff7e9595c